Monday, January 21, 2013

Nap time?

It's cold here. Not like negative degrees cold, but still pretty cold. I live in the part of the Midwest where the weather is pretty bipolar. Saturday it was in the 50's now it's in the 20-30's. Sure we've experienced worse swings, but my body aches, I've had a headache for about a week. I just want to nap.

So even though I planned today to be the day I sew and work on my knits class finally on craftsy. My fabric is even pre-washed and I'm on lesson three. Right now the house is picked up, the dogs are bathed, the laundry done and I've got two very toasty and even good smelling puppies curled up on either side of me napping. I think I'm going to give in and join them - at least for a bit.