Sunday, April 14, 2013

St. Louis MQG and More

Yesterday, I joined my local modern quilt guild, and signed up for my first swap.  As part of the swap, we were encouraged to provide flickr/pinterest/blog information that might help our person figure out what to make for the swap.  Unfortunately, I didn't really have much to write down.  I don't really blog, use flickr, and I barely use pinterest.  So in the hopes of being a good guild member, I am going to try and start posting stuff here again.

About the blog name, I don't really take photos (I don't have a good photo of me since my wedding two years ago), but the photos I usually take are about my dogs.  I have a 4 year old yorkie named Oliver, who is somewhat angry.


He enjoys barking, tearing up toys in frustration when he can't get what he wants (particularly the mail man), and napping.  We recently adopted a little sister for him, Ellie, who turned out to be bigger than he is.


Ellie - See she really is happy!

Ellie is a very happy dog.  She enjoys chewing bones, stealing Oliver's bones, eating dog food, and watching TV.

Ellie watching TV.  She really likes to watch dogs, animals and commercials.

Enough about the dogs.  I am taking this week off from work.  The husband and I have recently started looking for a new house.  There isn't anything wrong with ours, but my husband would like a wooded lot and I want to have kids (and change school districts).  But the possibility makes me start thinking about all the things that need to be done to get the house ready to go on the market.  The list is pretty typical - clean out the basement, garage, various closets.  Replace the carpet in my husband's old office, touch up paint eventually, etc.

But our house has one big glaring thing missing.

After three years, it's still not decorated....

Like picture frames without pictures not decorated...

Like wedding photos still not printed (our two year anniversary is tomorrow).

So while I'd like to cross a few things off the list, I'm still on vacation.  But I think it's time to at least get the house to a minimal state of decorated.  For the swap, we were asked to provide a room to make something for.  I picked my guest bedroom in the basement.  I am working on a shower curtain for the guest bathroom that I hope to finish while on vacation.  Pictures to follow after diner (and when I find my actual camera again).  It's as plain as can be.  

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